One of the steps in my adult leader recruitment process is an interview. Interviews provide me with an invaluable opportunity to get to know a potential adult leader (and for him to get to know me.)
In addition to basic "getting to know you questions", here are 8 questions I ask every potential adult leader:
1. Tell me about your faith journey. What events / experiences have significantly impacted it?
2. What are your favorite ways to connect with God? Why do you think this is?
3. Tell me about your experience in church as a teenager. Were you involved in your church's youth ministry? If so, what did you most appreciate about it? If not, what kept you from being involved in it?
4. (For those who are parents) Did your kids participate in a youth ministry? If so, what did you most value about it? Why?
If not, why not?
5. Why do you feel called to serve in our youth ministry?
6. Based on what I've told you about our youth ministry, how do you imagine serving in it? How would serving in that way utilize your gifts?
7. Adult leaders in our ministry are not so much teachers as guides. Your job is to spark & guide discussions & questions. In what ways would serving in this way be easy for you? Difficult?
8. In our youth ministry, we value learning. As a result, our leaders meet regularly for training. What's one way in which you'd like to grow this year as a leader? How would growing in this way enable you to more effectively minister to our kids?
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